Rep-Cal SRP00200 Phosphorous-Free Calcium Ultrafine Powder Reptile/Amphibian Supplement with Vi…

– Rep-Cal SRP00200 Phosphorous-Free Calcium Ultrafine Powder Reptile/Amphibian Supplement with Vitamin D3

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Rep-Cal SRP00200 Phosphorous-Free Calcium Ultrafine Powder Reptile/Amphibian Supplement with Vitamin D3
Use for my Panther chameleon
So far, so good. It arrived today. Before the whole “social distancing” thing, I went to PetSmart to purchase this. The cost was $9.99.
I looked up the Amazon reviews and saw that it was highly recommended, AND the cost was much less on Amazon.I like the fine texture of the product, and my tortoise ate her food just as she normally does.
The only thing that I would like to see improved is that there isnt a “sprinkle” cap to prevent pouring out too much.
My gecko enjoys it
This is a really great…
Use for my Panther chameleon
So far, so good. It arrived today. Before the whole “social distancing” thing, I went to PetSmart to purchase this. The cost was $9.99.
I looked up the Amazon reviews and saw that it was highly recommended, AND the cost was much less on Amazon.I like the fine texture of the product, and my tortoise ate her food just as she normally does.
The only thing that I would like to see improved is that there isnt a “sprinkle” cap to prevent pouring out too much.
My gecko enjoys it
This is a really great product. For your geckos
Click link below for more info
Rep-Cal SRP00200 Phosphorous-Free Calcium Ultrafine Powder Reptile/Amphibian Supplement with Vitamin D3

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