How the Mysterious and Life-Changing Nutrient VITAMIN K2 Was LOST

Vitamin K2 will go down in human history as the most misunderstood molecule. We have forgotten that our body requires vitamin K2 to develop straight teeth.

Crooked teeth is a vitamin deficiency. Which vitamin? There are a few, namely the fat-soluble vitamins A, D, and K2. Children today need braces because of genes. They have crooked teeth because their jaws don’t grow to fit 32 human teeth.

Vitamin K2 has been the missing piece to the puzzle because for so long, we didn’t know what it was. Written as ‘Activator X’, in Weston A Price’s ‘Nutrition and Physical Degeneration’ in 1938, it would take until 2007 for Chris Masterjohn to discover that K2 was the missing vitamin.

Research now reveals vitamin K2 is crucial for strong teeth and bones. It activates proteins that without vitamin K2, don’t carry minerals into teeth. That’s why kids jaws grow slowly today, not enough vitamin K2.

Vitamin K2 comes from a very specific set of foods. In my dental practice, I make sure that my patients know how to eat to get enough K2 in their diet. If kids eat properly, their jaws grow naturally and their teeth are wide, straight and beautiful.

Our dietary guidelines need desperate readjustment to prevent all dental diseases. The mouth is the simplest and easiest way to model how to eat for whole-body health.

In my book, The Dental Diet, I’ll explore this lesson with you and give you the 40-day food plan to have a brilliant smile and life-changing natural health.

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