Top Immune Booster Natural Foods! Doctor’s Advise!

Welcome to our educational journey on enhancing your immune system in a delicious and natural way! In this video, we explore a variety of foods that can supercharge your immunity, making it your first line of defense against illnesses. Say goodbye to bland pills and powders and let’s dive into the world of flavorful and immune-boosting delights!

Garlic: A pungent superfood that enhances immune cell function and may help prevent colds.
Chocolate: Dark chocolate with antioxidants and flavonoids can reduce stress by lowering cortisol levels.
Turmeric: A flavorful spice with anti-inflammatory properties to help combat chronic inflammation.
Echinacea: An immune-boosting herb with compounds enhancing immune cell activity, popular for fighting sickness.
Ginger: Known for anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial effects, it aids in fighting off bacteria and viruses.
Hydration: Crucial for a strong immune system, water flushes out toxins and delivers essential nutrients to cells.
Vitamin D: Essential for immune defense, especially during winter; sources include fatty fish and fortified dairy products.
Yogurt: Contains probiotics that support a healthy gut microbiome, crucial for overall immunity.
Colorful Veggies: Packed with vitamins and antioxidants, they strengthen the immune system.
Elderberry: A sweet berry with antiviral properties, reducing the duration of flu symptoms.
Mushrooms: Rich in beta-glucans, they activate immune cells and strengthen defenses against viruses and bacteria.
Astragalus: A traditional Chinese herb that boosts the immune system by increasing white blood cell production.
Green Tea: Contains catechins, powerful antioxidants with antiviral and anti-inflammatory properties.
Shellfish: High in zinc, essential for regulating the immune response and preventing infections.
Sunflower Seeds: A crunchy source of vitamin E, a powerful antioxidant protecting cells from damage.
Probiotics: Found in fermented foods, they maintain a healthy gut microbiome, crucial for immune function.
Vitamin C: An essential antioxidant that enhances immune cell function and protects against infections.

Ready to ditch the bland and embrace the delicious? Watch this video and learn how to transform your diet into an immune-boosting powerhouse!

0:00 Introduction.
0:59 Foods to boost the immune system.
9:14 Conclusion

CHECK for pure health supplements.

Who is Dr. Ergin? Dr. Ahmet Ergin is a specialist medical doctor, also an endocrinologist. Dr. Ergin earned his medical degree with honors at Marmara University School of Medicine in Istanbul, Turkey. Then, he completed his internal medicine residency and endocrinology fellowship at Cleveland Clinic in Cleveland, Ohio. He is a board-certified physician in Internal Medicine and Endocrinology, diabetes, and metabolism. He is also a certified diabetes education specialist. Disclaimer: Any information on diseases and treatments available at this channel is intended for general guidance only and must never be considered a substitute for the advice provided by your doctor or other qualified healthcare professionals. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified healthcare professionals with questions you may have regarding your medical condition.

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Boosting the immunity naturally with Foods hello everyone this is Dr Ahmed Aran I’m an endocrinologist and a metabolism expert today we are talking about boosting the immunity with naturally occurring food so when it comes to staying healthy our immune system is the first line defense not offense the best defense right we all

Know the importance of washing our hands and getting enough sleep and y y y right but what we put into our bodies can also play a big role in boosting our immunity especially in these winter days the co is still around there’s RSV there’s influenza there’s everything around us right people are

Traveling so forget those blend pills and powders let’s talk about some delicious and natural ways to boost our immune system let’s talk garlic I know that may not be the most you know not the best smell yeah I know but it is a super food though so if you’re

Not going out in public I would say don’t shy away from Garlic’s pungent smell it’s actually a really good superfood to boost your immunity this flavorful bulb contains compounds that can enhance the function of certain immune cells and may even help pre cold so go ahead and add that extra Clow to

Your next meal are you feeling stressed now because I told you you you need to eat garlic well don’t because I’ll tell you go ahead and have some chocolate really we all know that the chocolate can be a good mood booster but did you know that it can also help manage stress

Yeah dark chocolate especially contains antioxidants and flavanoids which have been shown to reduce levels of cortisol which is a hormone associated with stress just to remember to enjoy moderation because it has a lot of fat in there right well what about spicing up a little bit spice up your life with

Turmeric this bright yellow spice is not only delicious and curious and dishes but it also has powerful anti-inflammatory properties especially when you combine it with black pepper now chronic inflammation can weaken our immune system right so incorporating turmeric into your diet will help to keep it in check well how about some

Ainia the immune boosting herb this one is Native Americans used for centuries to boost their immune system and it is still a popular herb today this flowering plant contains compounds that can enhance the activity of immune cells make making it a great natural supplements for fighting of sickness and

Colds now if you’re feeling under the weather already you should try some ginger if you’re feeling like that Ginger may be your new best friend why because it is anti-inflammatory properties it has been shown to have antimicrobial effects meaning it can help fight of bacteria and viruses in

The body so a lot of infections are 95% of the time are viral and you will not need antibiotics you only need these type of things to help recover and just rest at home stay hydrated and your immune system will get the job done now a lot of people ignore that still

Although it’s common sense but if you’re dehydrated no matter what you do your immune system will not function properly the next one is vitamin D it’s a sunshine vitamin right well the problem is during the winter months it can be difficult to get enough vit Vitamin D

From the Sun even in Florida that I live in it’s hard you know unless you’re at a beach bomb or something there’s essential nutrient though I mean it’s a hormone actually they call it a vitamin but in reality it is a hormone it is essential for our immune

Defense and has been linked to a reduced risk of respiratory infections so make sure you’re getting enough through food sources like fatty fish like salmon mackerel tuna fortify dairy products Etc or it can just simply take some D3 supplements around 2,000 units is ideal if you’re not deficient already now

Yogurt well it’s not just for breakfast or a snack but we all know yogurt is great for digestion and it can also give our immune system a boost this creamy food contains probiotics which are beneficial bacteria that help balance the gut microbiome and since 70% of our immune

Cells reside in our gut keeping it healthy is the key for overall immunity now what about some colorful veggies right yes your mom was right we all remember being told to eat our vegetables growing up and it turns out that our moms were 100% right colorful veggies like bell peppers broccoli and

Citrus fruits are packed with vitamins and antioxidants and helped strengthen our immune system so make sure you include a variety of veggies in your diet and your mom will be proud of you now how about some Elder Berry right you might be wondering a sweet way to fight

Colds this dark purple Berry is not only delicious but it also has antiviral properties that can help fight off colds and flu in fact a study found that taking Elderberry syrup reduced the duration of flu symptoms by an average of 4 days so next time you feel a sickness

Coming on reach for some elderberry extract well what about mushrooms well it’s not just a pizza topping right mushrooms may not seem like the most exciting food out there but they Peck a powerful immune boosting punch they contain beta glucans which can help activate immune cells and strengthen our defenses against

Viruses and bacteria so go ahead and add some mushrooms to your next stir fry or pasta dish all right next is some green tea what about sipping on some green tea right in addition to this calming effects green tea contains powerful antioxidants it can help boost immune system within a few days these

Antioxidants called kakin have been shown to have antiviral and anti-inflammatory properties so next time you need a little pickme up reach for a cup of green tea now of course don’t forget about this shellfish right like oysters and crab they contain high levels of zinc a

Mineral that plays a key role in our immune system what does zinc do zinc help regulate the immune response and can help prevent infections from taking hold in your body so go ahead and order that Seafood dish next time you’re in a restaurant or buy some and make it at home right your

Immune system will thank you now next one is my favorite sunflower seeds a crunchy source of vitamin E it’s powerful antioxidants that are in there helps protect our cells from damage making it an important nutrient for a strong immune system now sunflower seeds are easy and

They’re tasty right and to get vitamin E in your diet without having to take supplements and you can enjoy him as a you know unshell and sprinkle on salads or if you want to Shell them yourself and that’s fun too now how about some probiotics probiotics often found in

Fermented foods like yogurt kimy and they help keep our gut microbiome balanced and healthi and that’s super important like I said for our immunity since the majority of our immune cells reside in the gut so don’t be afraid to add some probiotic rich foods to your

Diet you know if you don’t like yogurt then try something else that has probiotics right and then of course the vitamin C that is a lot in vegetables and fruits but um vitamin C especially of course you don’t want to do an excessively but it has definitely have a

Lot of antioxidant powerful features to boost boost your immune cells and help protect against infections so make sure to include plenty of fruits and veggies high in vitamin C no you don’t have to drink orange juice to get your vitamin C that’s not the only way but I think you

Heard it all I think we discussed about a lot of foods that can help with your immune system I hope you liked it if you did please give a thumbs up and share this video and if you haven’t please subscribe and I’ll bring you more videos talk to you later