New Covid vaccine study links jab to heart and brain conditions | WION World DNA

Largest-ever covid vaccine study links shot to small increase in heart and brain conditions. Researchers from the global vaccine data network analyzed data from 99 million vaccinated individuals.

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A latest covid-19 study is providing answers to one of the questions often repeated since the vaccines were introduced how have the vaccines been affecting our health now the largest vaccine study to date it has identified some risks which are associated with them and our next report brings you all the details take a

Look New Zealand’s Global vaccine Data Network analyzed data from 199 million people who received covid-19 vaccines across eight countries they findings show the vaccines are responsible for a slight increase in neurological blood and heart Related Disorders the research says three doses of fiser bio entech and moderna’s mRNA vaccines could Trigger miocarditis or rare condition of heart inflammation a third dose of Astra vaccine increased the risk of another the heart condition pericarditis 6.9 fold the first and fourth dose of Mna increased the risk 1.7 fold and 2.6 fold

Respectively those who took the astrena shots had a greater risk of developing a rare neurological disorder Gillian bar syndrome they also had a 3.2 times increased risk of getting blood clots the Monna vaccine increased the risk 3.8 times of the neurological disorder acute disseminated enom myelitis for Astro’s

Vaccine users there was a 2.2-fold increased risk of the disorder the study also warned of several other disorders that need further investigation however it emphasized that the risk of developing any of the mentioned conditions are very small the research notes that out of 13 billion doses administered there have been only 2,000

Such cases the study also highlights that the benefits of the vaccines far out toway the risks Bureau report Von world is one for latest news download the V on app And subscribe to our YouTube channel