Nerve Doctor Struck with Shingles – The Nerve Doctors

Nerve Doctor Struck with Shingles – If you’re suffering from Peripheral Neuropathy, contact Dr. Coppola or Dr. Monteiro: Call Toll-Free (USA) at 844-400-0101 or message us at –

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Video Description:
If you’ve ever had an outbreak of Shingles, you know how painfully debilitating it can be. On a pain scale of one to ten, with ten being the most severe, patients commonly describe their pain between a level eight to twenty, meaning the pain can feel Beyond severe, Beyond miserable.
Well, just a few months ago, I was unexpectedly Struck Down by the Shingles Monster, and YES! It was a beast!! This gave me the opportunity to experience firsthand what many of our patients go through. Honestly, it was an experience I never want to repeat.

Needless to say, this motivated Dr M & I to dive deeper into the research than we ever have on this topic.

Today’s video is important to everyone. It doesn’t matter if you’ve never had a shingles outbreak, because statistics show shingles will affect one out of three adults. That’s one third of the adult population, over 330 million people.

00:00:00 – Understanding Shingles: Symptoms and Pain Scale
00:02:29 – My Personal Battle with Shingles in November 2023
00:04:43 – The Role of Stress and Immune System in Shingles
00:06:51 – Vitamin D Deficiency and Medication Impact on Shingles
00:09:09 – Health Conditions That Increase Shingles Risk
00:11:19 – Early Warning Signs of a Shingles Outbreak
00:13:34 – Traditional and Holistic Treatment Options for Shingles
00:15:54 – Natural Supplements to Combat Shingles Virus
00:18:10 – Topical Applications and Manuka Honey for Shingles
00:20:31 – Preventing Shingles: Immune System and Lifestyle Tips

Dr. Coppola and Dr Monteiro also developed a neuropathy product line called NUPHORIA cm designed specifically to help their patients recover faster from neuropathy. Once available only to their patients within their clinic, NUHORIA cm is now available to the public at:

San Antonio Neuropathy Center
Dr. Monteiro and Dr. Coppola are the founders of the San Antonio Neuropathy Center where they’ve been helping people recover from neuropathy for over 18 years. Their services have been sought after by people throughout the United States and Internationally. Their unique approach is drug-free, non-surgical and helps relieve neuropathy symptoms while restoring function and repairing damaged nerves.

Defeat Neuropathy Now … In Spite of Your Doctor
Dr. Monteiro and Dr. Coppola are the co-authors of the book Defeat Neuropathy Now … In Spite of Your Doctor. This book gives the reader an “Eye-Opening” look into why medications and traditional therapies leave most neuropathy sufferers stuck in misery without hope. This book is a survival manual for anyone suffering
from neuropathy. Get your copy today at:
Defeat Neuropathy Now…

Dr. Coppola and Dr. Monteiro are both licensed Doctors of Chiropractic specializing in neuromuscular conditions and peripheral neuropathy. Dr. Coppola graduated in 1996 from Parker Chiropractic College and Dr. Monteiro graduated from National University of Health Sciences in 1992.

This video is for educational and informational purposes only. It should not be used to self-diagnose and it is not a substitute for a medical exam, diagnosis, treatment, or recommendation from your treating physician. It does not create a doctor-patient relationship between Dr. Coppola or Dr. Monteiro and you. You should not make any change in your health regimen or diet before first consulting a physician and obtaining a medical exam, diagnosis, and recommendation. Always seek the advice of a physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition.

#ShinglesRecovery #HealthEducation #VitaminDSupplements #ImmuneSupport #DrC

If you’ve ever had a shingles outbreak then you know how painfully debilitating it can be on a pain scale of 1 to 10 with 10 being the most severe patients commonly describe their pain between a level 8 to 20 meaning the pain can feel Beyond severe and Beyond miserable well

Just a few months ago I unexpectedly was struck down by the shingles monster and yes it was a beast this gave me the opportunity to experience firsthand what many of our patients go through honestly it was an experience I never want to repeat needless to say this Mo motivated Dr M

And I to dive into the research deeper than we ever have on this topic so in today’s video I’ll cover what exactly is shingles what triggers an outbreak prove an effective treatment that I used on myself and many of our patients with great success how to reverse post herpetic neuralgia and most importantly

I’ll show you how to avoid the pitfalls of shingles and prevent a reoccurrence don’t go anywhere it’s going to be Good hey gang Dr C here if you’re ready to conquer your peripheral neuropathy reclaim your life and start living again then subscribe to our Channel and don’t forget to click on the Bell to get notified as soon as we publish new content now let’s get started did you

Know that shingles affects 1 million people every year and the number of cases is steadily Rising shingles is an infection caused by the vericel zuster virus sometimes called the herpes zuster virus the virus causes chickenpox in children once you’ve had chickenpox this virus can remain dormant in the nervous

System for many years even decades before or you could potentially experience an outbreak the shingles virus is part of the herpes family but it’s not the same as herpes simplex type 1 which causes cold sores in the mouth or Simplex type 2 which can cause genital herpes the shingles virus is

More like the cousin of these two herpes virus and is classified as Herpes Type 3 or herpes zoster now I have to tell you I was completely thrown off guard and completely shocked when I experienced a shingles outbreak in November of 2023 never in a million years did it thought

Occur to me that I could get shingles after all I eat healthy shingles doesn’t care I’m in great shape shingles doesn’t care I work out daily and I have my entire life shingles doesn’t care I maintain a 10% body fat and my lab values are excellent good for you

Shingles doesn’t care that’s absolutely correct shingles doesn’t care I mean talk about the irony right the nerve doctor gets struck down by shingles so let me Begin by explaining how you get shingles in the first place if you contract a chickenpox as a child this virus known as the vericella zoster

Virus stays in your body long after the chickenpox subsides it hides in a part of the nerve cells called the ganglion where it’ll take up permanent residency and it can stay dormant for years or even decades until your immune system gets drastically worn down this virus is very opportunistic so when your immune

System is constantly taxed and in a state of chronic weakness the virus will rear its ugly head and Bam you get a shingles outbreak what caused my shingles outbreak was a drastically worn down immune system here’s what happened our beautiful St Bernard Brandy was suffering from this mysterious skin

Condition that no vet could identify as a result she would scratch so much that she began cutting in her skin causing these open sores so Dr M and I went on a research mission to uncover the root cause of her problem which took a few months meanwhile Brandy would wake up

Two to three times a night in this itch and rage so Dr M and I would get out of bed several times a night to apply this herbal ointment to her skin then we’d give her an herbal antihistamine to calm her itching down and then we’d stay up

With her until she was comfortable and we could get her back to sleep now this went on for a few months oh by the way don’t worry Brandy is fully recovered and completely healthy now okay so let’s connect the dots after a few months of sleep deprivation getting up between two

To three times per night coupled with chronic high stress from my career well that began to tank my adrenal glands now adrenal glands are these small walnut-shaped glands that sit on top of your kidneys and are an important player in the health of your immune system then

To make matters worse my two biggest outlets for stress reduction are my workouts and meditation and both of these were obliterated since I wasn’t getting enough sleep at night I didn’t have the energy to work out and when I would try and meditate well I just fall asleep because I was exhausted I

Basically I had Redlin my immune system and that led to the perfect storm now you’ve probably heard many doctors say that the risk of Shingles increases as you get older and although this is true it has nothing to do with how many birthdays you’ve celebrated the reason

Is simply because as you get older our immune system typically gets weaker part of the reason is due to the normal wear and tear or the mileage you put on your body which can be mitigated to a certain degree by taking immune booster supplements and adopting a healthy diet

However the biggest reason your immune system weakens with age is because of neglect and abuse of your body whenever your immune system is in a habitual weak weaken state it doesn’t have the ability to fight off the herpes zoster virus the way it normally would resulting in the

Shingles outbreak now this is actually great news because it means you’re in complete control of preventing shingles and keeping it in remission so a baate later in this video I’m going to arm you with scientifically proven powerful tools on how to sidestep shingles Al together I do want you to realize there

Are other triggers besides lack of sleep that can constantly suppress your immune system so let’s look at the most common things that can trigger shingles number one on the list chronic stress being subjected to constant elevated levels of stress will cause Perpetual release of cortisol which over time severely

Weakens your immune system providing the perfect platform for an outbreak number two vitamin D deficiency vitamin D plays a pivotal role in modulating your immune function do you know that statistics show that 42% of adult Caucasians are deficient in vitamin D while 63% of Hispanics and 82% of African-Americans

Are deficient and this is only the adult population 70% of children have this deficiency as well maintaining optimal vitamin D levels well keep all viruses suppressed including the shingles virus now don’t worry I’ll go over what optimal levels should be and how to get there later on in this video video okay

Let’s go on to the third thing that can suppress your immune system medications certain medications like asthma medication cortical steroid meds like prednizone and statin drugs weaken and suppress the immune system raising your risk for an outbreak okay number four cancer treatments like chemotherapy immunotherapy and radiation can trigger a shingles

Outbreak let’s go on to number five this next one might come is a bit of a shock to you but radiation exposure from x-rays CT scans or even extreme IR radiation from the Sun like when you get sunburn can also trigger an outbreak but wait there’s more that can trigger

Shingles like a bad Diet also pesticides and herbicides if you’re eating conventional produce that has been sprayed well research has shown that this has a direct impact on weakening your immune system now although buying organic is definitely more expensive it doesn’t have to break the bank if you’re

On a tight budget for instance you can focus on buying just The Dirty Dozen fruits in veggies organically Now The Dirty Dozen is a term coined by the ewg or the environmental working group that ranks the top 12 produce with the highest concentration of pesticides herbicides or fungicides also Costco now carries a

Significant line of organic produce at reasonable pricing okay now now let’s also talk about health conditions that might make you more susceptible to a shingles outbreak conditions like high blood pressure diabetes elevated cholesterol and we’re talking specifically about the bad cholesterol like the SD LDL and triglycerides also on this list are COPD

Depression hypothyroidism and multiple sclerosis any of these conditions will increase your risk of of a shingles outbreak or recurrence but two or more of these drastically will increase your risk now I want to hear from you if you’ve had shingles leave me a comment and tell me

Which of these triggers brought on your attack if you’ve never had shingles it’s important to recognize the early warning signs before the actual outbreak recognizing these signs can save you a tremendous amount of Agony so early symptoms of virus activation can occur 3 to 5 days before you notice any skin

Eruptions you might feel skin sensitivity tingling itching or even prickling Sensation that only occurs on one side of your body typically it’s going to be on your torso your neck head ears or face and it’ll be in a small patch or a bandlike area as you can see

By the residual scars on my head which fortunately continue to fade it affected the right side of my head and my right eye now here’s an important side note Health Warriors if this ever happens to you and I pray that it doesn’t if it affects your head and your face close to

Your eye you need to see an opthalmologist immediately to make sure that you don’t suffer from any eye damage when shingles affects the eye it can lead to partial or even complete blindness in the affected eye I was really blessed it didn’t impair my vision at all other symptoms you might

Experience can include unexplained fever headache or even stomach upset in my case I noticed a prickly tingling sensation on the right side of my head and face and it wasn’t painful it wasn’t even constant so being the wise doctor that I am I ignored it like M most males

Would after all it wasn’t slowing me down and I had way too much on my plate to pay attention to this itty bitty tingling sensation in my head yes even as doctors we’re not exempt to those stupid moments well somewhere around 2 or 3 days later I noticed a couple of

Red bumps on my head that I chocked up to razor burns from shaving that was until those red bumps continued to multiply and turned into fluid filed blisters it took that on top of the electric shock like pain for the light bulb to go on and realized I was

Having a shingles outbreak now if all of that wasn’t bad enough I also developed a secondary bacterial infection called cellulitis once the blisters began to rupture the swelling in my face was so substantial I was unrecognizable now I have to tell you I have an extremely high pain tolerance

And it’s rare for me to take pain me medication for anything but this pain was so severe I ended up in ER now just to recap if you’re experienced skin sensitivity tingling itching or prickling sensation or red bumps in a very targeted area on one side of your

Body uh face or head assume it shingles and follow the steps I’m about to outline for you in the treatment section of this video these steps can prevent a full-blown horrifically painful shingles outbreak especially if you can catch it before the red bumps appear and if by

Any chance it’s not shingles the natural treatment methods won’t hurt you at all so trust me when I tell you you’ll be happy you played it safe so let’s talk about treatment options traditional treatments for vericel Zer or antiviral medications like a cyclo or valac CYO and pain medications unfortunately neither of

These antivirals cure or eradicate the virus they will only slow it down which is important if your shingles is mild and you want to prevent it from becoming severe but here’s the problem unless you catch the virus within 72 hours of the outbreak these medications aren’t going

To be very effective now here’s another problem with these meds research shows that both of them can cause acute kidney injury even for healthy kidneys and they could potentially cause altered mental States these drugs also have been shown to play a role in neurotoxicity or or toxic damage to the nerves which can

Result in continued nerve pain long after the shingles attack has been resolved this is a condition known as post herpetic neuralgia now let’s turn our attention to more holistic treatment options medical research reveals there are proven effective all natural treatment approaches to herpes zoster so let’s look at these safe and natural

Approaches the most important place to start is by looking at your vitamin D levels if you don’t know where they’re at then you need to get a simple blood test to find out your doctor can do this for you or you can use a a walk-in lab

Like any lab test now and get your levels tested now the normal range listed on lab tests will be somewhere between 30 nog per milliliter to 100 nog per ml but this isn’t truly an accurate range in order to achieve and maintain great health the optimal levels of

Vitamin D should ideally be between 60 and 100 nanog per ml when your vitamin D levels begin to drop below 50 you’re already deficient and below 30 means you are severely deficient now here’s a frightening statistic reported in this research study vitamin D screen in assay is readily available but the reported

Lower limit of the normal range is totally inadequate for disease prevention based on the epidemiological studies approximately 75% of all ad doll adults worldwide have serum vitamin D levels less than 30 n per ml so it’s no wonder we’re seeing an incredible insurgence of the initial shingles outbreak and recurrence because vitamin

D plays an important role with combat in the virus and keeping it in remission increased levels of vitamin D will push the shingles virus back into remission you’ll need to take 50,000 IUS of vitamin D along with 500 microG of K 2 daily until the virus is back in

Remission too much vitamin D without K2 will cause calcium deposition and buildup and soft tissue of your body so it’s important to take the K2 because it will assist in driving the calcium into your bones where it should be also when taking higher levels of vitamin D it’s

Important to also take magnesium your magnesium levels can become depleted with higher levels of vitamin D you’ll need to take at least 400 mg of magnesium glycinate daily I recommend the glycinate form because this form doesn’t cause you to develop loose stools now you might think that 50,000 I

Use is way too high and may cause vitamin D toxicity but it won’t the reality is that toxic effects of vitamin D only occur if you’re taking 150,000 to 200,000 IUS daily over a long period of time especially without K2 the next thing you’ll need to take to fight

Shingles is ly now this is is an amino acid with strong antiviral properties and it doesn’t just work on the shingles virus it can be used for any of the herpes viruses research has shown that it can be very effective at inhibiting the growth and replication of the

Vericella herpes zoster virus I’ll leave links below to the research studies the suggested dose is 1,000 millgram taken three times a day and you’ll want to begin taking this at the very first signs of the any symptoms remember earlier I said if you can catch this virus at the earliest signs like

When you first begin to feel the tingling prickling Etc you may be able to prevent a full-blown outbreak once you recover from shingles research has shown that taking 1,000 milligrams daily provides a good protection from future outbreaks okay let’s move on to number three olive leaf extract another important treatment is olive leaf

Extract this compound comes from the leaves of olive trees its active compound is oopen which has been proven to be extremely potent antiviral antibacterial and it can eradicate protozoan which is a type of parasite now research research Studies have shown that taking 500 to 1,000 milligrams to be extremely effective against viruses

In general for our patients we place them on a much higher amount than this typically we’ll put them on 1500 mg to 3,000 mg daily depending on the sever of their symptoms other nutrients that can help with your recovery are vitamin C and Zinc now we recommend 1,000 mg of

Vitamin C three times per day and 30 Mig of zinc twice daily we also recommend a couple of topical applications for the blisters the first one is an essential oil mixture recipe that we develop based on Research to help with the pain and the symptoms now here’s what you’re

Going to need you’ll need a tablespoon of castor oil and now also make sure it’s cold pressed and organic you’ll need 21 drops of vitamin D3 serum now this is a liquid form of vitamin D you’ll need seven drops of hilsum oil six drops of geranium oil four drops of

Tea tree oil and seven drops of peppermint oil mix these ingredients together and apply to the area of the lesions you can apply this several times throughout the day or really as often as needed uh in order to ease the pain now another uh topical ointment that you can

Use is manuka honey now this is a raw honey from New Zealand that has potent antibacterial and antiviral properties so it can actually protect against secondary bacterial infection you can buy regular raw Manuka honey but it should have what’s called a umf raen of at least 15 plus this represents the

Potency of the antibacterial activity in the honey the higher the raen the more potent the uh the activity is now don’t confuse the K Factor Raiden which is simply an arbitrary Raiden made up by the manufacturer you can also buy a product which is called wound honey

Which is made up of Manuka Honey either one of these can be used on the shingles Legions uh open sores wounds or even burns the next topic I need to go over is post herpetic neuralgia or phn for short this is a longlasting nerve pain

In the areas of your skin where you had the shingles outbreak the shingles virus can last anywhere between 2 to 6 weeks phn is diagnosed when the nerve pain lasts longer than 30 days this can happen when the nerve fibers in the affected areas become damaged from the

Virus and this condition can last anywhere for months or years now the good news is that damaged nerves caused by the shingles virus can be repaired you’ll first need to start with a good quality nerve support formula if you’re not sure what that is you’ll need to watch our video vital ingredients for

Nerve repair and the right dose in these two videos we’ll cover exactly which nutrients research has proven to be effective for nerve repair including for phn and we’ll also go over the appropriate amounts that research has shown as being effective next for faster and more complete healing you may also need

Photobiomodulation and we have a couple of videos on this topic too I’ll include those links for you so remember Health Warriors shingles can absolutely be avoided the key is safeguarding and fortifying your immune system research scientists have found that those with weakened immune system will get outbreaks more frequently so the trick

Is to keep your immune system strong with a healthy lifestyle such as good dietary habits plenty of exercise and sleep and minimizing toxic exposure learn to recognize the signs and symptoms of shingles from the initial onset and and then hit the shingles virus with an arsenal of immune boosting

Products such as Vitamin D3 vitamin C olive leaf extract and zinc to stop it dead in its tracks so there you have it health Warriors you’re now armed with the knowledge to stay happy healthy and strong before you go I have a small favor to ask it’s our goal to develop a

Neuropathy free world and we need your help to do that please like our video and share it with friends and family and don’t forget to subscribe to our channel so you get notified as soon as we publish new content until next time my friends I look forward to seeing you on

The road to Great nerve Health wait for it cuz thought for sure she was going to jump up ready y can you hear that yeah