Vitamin C Megadose Actually Helpful? To Whom and When?

Are you considering overdosing nutrient? Let start with megadosing vitamin C with cautions.

Why are you considering vitamin C megad do vitamin C is a great super nutrient and many are taking it in high Dodges for reasons here are some potential benefits associated with megaz in vitamin C improving immunity the biggest reason is here why you want to take it

So a lot very high dos of vitamin C perhaps around 10,000 milligram a day once or twice a day can enhance overall immune function by vamin C is a coenzyme and play a role in the immune system boosting biochemical reaction in the body vitamin C helps activate various

Cellular function in both innate and acquired immune system is a good fighter to protect our body from cord and cuff and helps to reduce the time to fully recover it promotes the production of white blood s including lymy and fosy that protect the body from infection

Mega in vitamin C can actually help the body fight of in infection so well and shorten the periods of sickness several studies suggest that meados of vitamin C might reduce the severity of course fighting fatig oh and here is another feature of vitamin C to recover from fatig our body needs tons of

Vitamin C for Cellular use and many biological reaction when we get stressed cortisol a stress hormone released from the adrenal glands this directly leads to high consumption of vitamin C the stress response directly affects the action of cortisol Camis and vitamin C to maintain immune function and protect the host against excessive oxidant

Injury and human cannot synthesize vitamin C and therefore get easily exposed to stress a high dose of vitamin C is needed especially when we are under stress antioxidant function as a powerful antioxidant vitamin C can help neutralize free radicals in the body and may reduce oxidative stress protect

Cells and reduce cell damage also vitamin C is essential for the production of collagen collagen is a protein that keeps skin and Joint healthy vitamin C converts iron into activated form to synthesize collagen and strong antioxidant action help produce collagen skin hair and musard component what do you think about overd

Doing on vitamin C or are you actually going to take a high dose of it vitamin C is a great super nutrient and mega of it might be helpful Mega doing vitamin C implicates the biological effect on dealing with immune problem fatig and many other disorders this meados or overdose

Concept is developed to improve our body’s condition in the first place Mead doing vitamin C refers to taking extremely high doses on average of 10,000 milligram a day it is much higher than the recommended daily allowance for weathers it is up to 90 milligram according to FDA vitamin C is an essential nutrient

With many benefits but it’s high do users are controversial Mega do is still a Hot Topic and much research is going on right now if you are first time I personally recommend taking vitamin C Mega do in a particular case after taking vitamin C every day in a general

Dose megga doing vitamin C should be controlled in 70 to 80% of amount which can cause diarrhea or other GI disorders there are few concerns that need to be checked while taking high dozes of vitamin C let’s talk about this in the next video