Why You Should Avoid Taking Vitamin D Before Bed | Dr. Mandell

Taking your Vitamin D correctly can make a tremendous difference with your health. Vitamin D promotes healthy bones and teeth, supports the immune system, brain, and nervous system. It helps regulate insulin levels and supports diabetic management. Vitamin D supports lung function and cardiovascular health. I hope you find this video helpful. Dr. M

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Vitamin D has so many miraculous healing benefit for our body this fat soluble vitamin has a direct play with our immune system but this performs so many different functions to keep you healthy a large percentage of the world is deficient in vitamin D because of the

Fact that many of us as we get older do not get into the sun enough but there’s a double-edged sword because the sun those UV rays can be causing damage to our skin as well so as we’re deficient in vitamin D many people become deficient in calcium and if it’s not

Absorbed we call this osteoporosis fatty fish tuna mackerel salmon as well as food for ified with vitamin D like dairy products orange juice soy milk and cereals cheeses egg yolks as well as beef liver all have vitamin D but the big problem is that we can’t usually get enough of that vitamin

D from our Foods so therefore it should be supplemented now the minimum standard dose of vitamin D is recommended at 600 iuse but in my opinion that is way way too low because what when you get your vitamin D checked with your physician you will see at those numbers you’re

Going to have low vitamin D levels standard recommendations is anywhere from a th000 I use to 5,000 and if your vitamin D levels are low you can actually go up to 10,000 but you should always consult with your physician first now vitamin D is called a sunshine vitamin but unfortunately we’re not

Getting enough of that sun but if we are getting it at the right time of the day which is when the sun is out that’s when we should be absorbing it most now vitamin D when supplemented should be taken with a full meal if you’re taking your vitamin D on an empty stomach

You’re wasting your time because that vitamin D is fat soluable you must have fats within your food to digest it and absorb it correctly so you can get those positive benefits now we do know that vitamin D plays a very important part throughout many different systems

Throughout our body and yes it will help sleep but here’s the double-edged sword studies show that if you take vitamin D before you go to bed it can affect the production of melatonin and melatonin is a natural hormone that’s produced by the pineal gland located in your brain it

Helps control the Sleep Cycle this normally produces melatonin just after it gets dark peing in the early hours of the morning and reducing during daylight hours and melatonin helps regulate your circadium Rhythm and synchronizes our sleep wake cycle with night and day now because melatonin decreases with age wow

That can give us even more problems so we don’t want to take vitamin D too late before you go to sleep because this will affect your melatonin which may already be low and that can be causing many of your sleeping problems so let’s just look at the facts the Sun comes up in

The morning get out in the afternoon the sun naturally allows our body to produce its own vitamin D and when we look at the opposite of daylight which is nighttime that’s when melatonin is naturally produced from the pineal gland in our brain that’s when it’s secreted

When it’s dark and that’s why a lot of the research mentions not to take your vitamin D right before you go to bed vitamin D is best taken with the largest meal where there’s lots of healthy fats so it can be absorbed into your system

So I hope that this video serves you and your family well I only wish you good health please share this video with your friends and family leave your comments below because there will be many and most important make it a great day I’m Dr Alan mandal